The majority of people invest in life cover to give them peace of mind that their family will be provided for financially in the event of a premature death.
Life cover pays a tax free lump sum payment to help pay any bills, repay debts and ensure that the family maintains their standard of living in the absence of you and your income.
At Angel Financial Solutions we will review your personal circumstances and calculate the level of cover you require to adequately assist your family in the event of your death. We will then ensure this is within your monthly budget and written using suitable Trusts to ensure any claim is paid out quickly and to the right people.
We can recommend products from a range of insurance companies, all of our providers are market leading in this field and offer a first class service.
These plans have no cash in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained, then cover will lapse.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate trust planning.
If you’re unable to work through serious long-term illness, you may not have enough money available to cover your mortgage, bills and other essential day-to-day costs.
Critical Illness cover plans are designed to pay out a tax free lump sum on death or on the diagnosis of one of the specified critical illnesses during the policy term.
Our advisors will review your personal circumstances and calculate the level of cover you require to adequately assist you and your family in the event of you suffering a critical illness.
We use a range of providers whom we consider to offer comprehensive critical illness policies and service. This is critical as the last thing you want on diagnosis is to find out that your provider doesn't cover that particular condition. It is therefore vital to use a well respected company with a wide list of conditions covered as well as one with a good claim record.
Critical Illness plans that have no cash in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained, then cover will lapse.
Plans may not cover all the definitions of a critical illness. The definitions vary between product providers and will be described in the key features and policy document if you go ahead with a plan.
What would you do if you couldn’t work due to an illness or injury?
If this led to you losing your income, how would you afford to pay for all the living costs which won't go away? The government assistance is very unlikely to cover all these costs.
None of us like to think the worst, but without your earnings could you still maintain your current lifestyle? Or would things get tough financially for you and your family?
These types of plans continue to pay out an income as long as you are unable to return to work up until the end date of the policy (typically your normal retirement age). If you think of your income over your whole career it is very likely to be your biggest asset by far and therefore makes sense to insure against its loss.
Income protection plans that have no investment link have no cash in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If you stop paying your premiums your cover may end.
For further information about insurance, please give us a call or alternatively please visit the website at: .
Buildings insurance will be a condition of the mortgage and must be at least enough to cover the outstanding mortgage. Leasehold properties will usually have alternative arrangements in place to ensure the building is protected. Adding protection to cover your contents should also be a consideration.
As our homes are the most important asset that we are ever going to own, it is imperative that adequate home insurance is taken out for your property. We have access to a range of providers and will compare the benefits and levels of cover to get the best value for you.
There are two types of Home insurance, buildings and contents. It protects your home against disaster that is beyond your control such as flood or major fire as well as other events like burst pipes or subsidence.
We can help guide you through the various options and put a solution together for you within budget and tailored to your own individual needs.